Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mission Newsletter #37

I made Etouffe for dinner! :)

We have been seeing the Lord really place people in our paths. Miracles are popping up left and right! It's been incredible seeing some of our work paying off. :) I would like to just share a couple of those experiences we've had this week with you.

Last Sunday was stake conference. It was incredible! The spirit was so strong and spoke to so many people! In one of the talks given, it spoke about how we can never guess who will be the ones to accept the gospel. (Which is so true cuz that was the case with Walter.) It echoed in me, "It's not who it may always seem." (Secretly, that totally makes me think of Swan Princess."It's not what it seems!" Anyways, back on topic.) This thought was planted in my mind as we went out doing the work this week.

A restaurant we have to try!

On Thursday, when we were at Walmart store contacting, I saw a thin, older man, with a Harley Davidson bandanna on. Instantly, that thought came to my head, "It's not who it may always seem!" I turned down the medicine isle. He turned to me and asked if I could read the back of a package for him. He had left his glasses. I did. I started talking to him and come to find out he has been feeling like he needs to get back into church. He hasn't been for quite some time and he feels like the Lord is sending him signs that he needs to get back. He also pointed out that we were another sign. I witnessed to him that it was no coincidence we were put in his path that day and that God wanted us to meet. I continued and asked if we could come share a message with him. I agreed. He was so thrilled and told his elderly mother around the corner, introducing her to us as the sweet ladies who will be coming to speak to them about Christ! It was really cool to see his thrill and enthusiasm about our visit. I know he is a chosen spirit and someone the Lord has prepared and put in our path!

Helping a member to do some canning this week, for our service. 

On Friday, we were out on a Team Up with sweet Sis. Adams. We went to go see a less active with her that we haven't seen in a while. As we got outside of the car to go up to the house, I noticed her neighbors kitty corner to us where gardening. I had the impression to go speak to them and offer to help, however, Sis. Crandall and Sis. Adams were already at the doorstep and knocking. I made a promise to the Lord that if He would keep them outside until we were done that I would go speak to them. Thank goodness the Lord heard my prayer because the Less Active talked to us for only a few minutes since it wasn't a good time for her then. We got off the porch and I marched straight over to the couple gardening. We asked if we could help them and started talking to them. While speaking with her, the wife told us that her mom passed away a little while back. While Sis. Adams testified of forever families I pulled out my scriptures and shared a verse with her. After sharing the verse, Melanie told us that she told her husband that if we walked over there and shared a scripture with them, it was a sign. The Lord had a hand in it all. He truly leads and guides us to do what He needs us, His servants to do. Wow, I am so grateful to be one of His many missionaries on earth that He can use to bless His children.

I hope I can always be a missionary and stand for Truth and Righteous. I love being a witness of God and want to always strive to be that way. I love you all and am grateful for y'alls' support and influence in my life. You too can be an instrument in His hands. The Sons of Mosiah were a great example of missionary work and it was simply done by their examples (Alma 17:11). Be an example of the believers and the Lord will use you for good!

I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!
Lots of Love,

Sister Salmond

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