Five months out and I'm lovin' it with my new companion! So, this week I discovered that I'm not the only crazy blonde person in this world! My companion, Sister Conant, is too!! Why the Lord put us together? Only Heaven knows, but regardless, this is going to be a fun transfer! As you can see from the picture, Sister Conant totally put the stamp on the letter on the wrong side! haha. Instead putting it in the top right-hand corner, it found its way to the bottom left-hand side! So funny! I love this girl!
Overall this week has been filled with several sweet miracles. Here are just a few:
1. We went tracting last Saturday and left a blessing in a woman's home. She told us we could come back to share a message of Jesus Christ with her. We made that appointment, however on Tuesday when we arrived, her daughter, Alecia answered the door instead. Alecia told us her mother wasn't home, so we asked her if we could share the message with her. She agreed. We found out that Alecia is 20 and has a one year old son. This year she had made a New Year's resolution to become more religious, but hasn't been doing well on her goal so far. She has a desire to be baptized, but hasn't found a church she would like to join yet. It seemed like God had perfectly prepared her to meet and help her receive the gospel. We were able to teach her the Restoration of the Church and hope to be able to continually see her and help her grow and we work on her New Year's goals. :)
Chocolate Easter Mazes! How cool is that?! |
2. This week we have also received 2 new very promising referrals! It is evident that the Lord is blessing us for our hard work and efforts to make our goals and speak to everyone we meet. Even though it was an indirect blessing, it is evident the Lord is still rewarding us for our hard efforts.
3. We went to go teach a lesson to Katlyn. Turns out she forgot we were supposed to be coming that day, but it ended up being a miracle in disguise because Katlyn had a friend of hers over, Diamond. Diamond is 16 and hasn't had much religion in her life growing up, but desires to feel closer to God. We taught the lesson to Katlyn on obedience and explained simple concepts to Diamond along the way. By the end, Diamond accepted baptism and to begin reading the Book of Mormon. Since then, we have been able to go to her house and teach her the Restoration. She is very interested and genuine in her search and is eager to keep commitments. This is such a miracle because Katlyn and Diamond can be a great support for each other as they make this new journey of religion together. The Lord truly supports and loves each of us and gives us the tools we each individually need to succeed.
Having fun trying on Sunglasses! |
The winner twinner pair! Both got them for $5 each! Steal! |
Lastly, this week, we were also able to teach with Katlyn. At mutual the day before, they talked about family history work and doing baptisms for the dead in the temple. Katlyn desires to be able to do that, but she asked if she would be able to still attend her family's church and do that. We were sad to inform her that if she wanted to receive a Temple recommend to be able to enter the Temple, she would not be able to attend her other church anymore, only occasional visits. This has been a hard thing for her. That church is where she's grown up. She is now feeling the inner pressure that she must choose between the two churches: family or us. We told her to pray on it. Can you all remember to include her in your prayers this week to help her be able to receive an answer and comfort and strength in making that decision? Also, I want to promise all of you, if you pray with any big or small decisions in your life, God will answer. In 1 Nephi 15:11 it says, "If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you." This is a promise the Lord makes. If we but humbly ask, believing we'll receive and do our part in righteousness, we will receive an answer. I know this is true.
I love you all and have a fabulous week!
Sister Heather Salmond
p.s. Went to Alisa's house to give a gift to Camron for his birthday. He opened his gift of blue silly string. As
After Alisa's. Haha. |
he looked at it, I pulled out from behind my back PINK SILLY STRING! ATTACK! It got messy, but way fun! Left the house with a duck sticker and silly string reminisce all over my sweater. (Can't see it well in the pic, but it's there.) I just can't wait to have my only family and have these little silly moments every day!
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