Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mother Daughter Moments

        I want to dedicate this blog to my mom.  I just love her.  She is fun, sweet, caring, funny, my friend, and the best mom I could ask her.
        Today I had a silly but cute thought in my head.  I pictured my mom and I in ten years visiting and having lunch, giggling and talking as always.  I called my mom and told her about it and she just laughed, but I look forward to all the future moments I will have with her.  I really appreciate this woman in my life.
        My favorite things about my mom is our ability to laugh about everything.  She and I make fools of ourselves all the time, whether it is because we are clumsy or I am dyslexic; either way, we can always find a way to laugh about it.  Also, whenever either of us are having a moment from the stress of school or her everyday frustrations at the house, I love having her there to talk to.  She is comforting and supportive when I need it, but I like hearing about her stresses sometimes too.  I think it brings us closer.  Some of my
strongest memories are of my mom and I eating ice cream (with are cats harassing us to get a bite) late as night as we watched tv shows together of CSI, Law and Order, Survivor, and of course, Bachelor.  We would stay up quite late together and my dad was always bothered when he wanted to go to bed and I was in his spot. :)  I miss those good old days.
So, pretty much all I want to say is "Mom, I love you!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey Heather! I just noticed that you're following my blog! :) How fun that you have one!
    And can I just tell you how much I want my daughters to turn out like you? You really have your head on straight and I love that you love to hang/talk to your mom! I hope my girls with love it too.
