Being at BYU, the most amazing situations and experiences can happen. I am so thankful that I am at the Lord's University where I can have general authorities come and speak to us. Today was stake conference and we had a pleasure to hear from Elder Russell M. Nelson, Steven J. Lund, and Julie B. Beck. The were a lot of incredible things mentioned today, but there were a few things that hit me hard.
When Elder Nelson came up, he was talking about our whole purpose on earth is to find a eternal companion. He then said, the man is not without the woman and neither is the woman without the man. Now, we have all hear this quote numerous times, but this time, I truly understood it. As he continued to talk about marriage for a few more minutes, I realized the church's view on Prop 8. My view before today was that I would support the prophet because he knows more than me, but I didn't totally agree with it. To me, they are still great people but making different lifestyle choices than us. Although, they are not making the right choices, we shouldn't treat them any differently when it comes to a unity like marriage. That is for God to judge at the next life, not for us to retrain them from something we so strongly encourage. However, as Elder Nelson bore his testimony on marriage, not mentioning anything on the gay marriage issue, I started to see their point of view. I realized the sacredness of this divine gift we have given and this alone is why we support Prop 8. It's kinda like the Temple, no unclean thing may enter. I now know it is the same with marriage; no unrighteous thing may touch it or take upon its name.

Later in Elder Nelson's talk, he spoke of judgment. On that day, we will have a bright recollection of our life. We will remember all our memories; they'll come flooding in. He emphasized having those clean thoughts and memories; they are all we will have. I want mine to be clean, as he had stated. I think I should get more strict with the movies I watch and the music I listen to. Although I get the edited version, watch it on clearplay, or just fast forward, I shouldn't be supporting anything evil. That's just my thoughts on the matter.
At the Relief Society fireside, there were three main ideas Sis. Beck continued to emphasize. The points were 1) Faith 2) Family 3) Relief (or to seek out for those who are in need.) At first I thought, the basics: easy and typically. As she continually came back to it, she mentioned that as long as you are in accordance with the Lord, you should not fear, stress, or feel inadequate. This became to mean more and more to me. These are some of the most important things to build the righteous character of a woman. Although they are basic, they are essential and I should pay more attention to them then I am doing right now.
This stake conference was a great eye opener to me and I am filled with gratitude for this opportunity I had to hear their beliefs/testimonies and messages they had prepared for us. I have a testimony of this Gospel and of its truthfulness. I know we are lead by true, strong disciples of Christ. I know God allows things to happen for a reason so we can learn and grow line upon line and precept upon precept and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.