Exchange with Sister Thompson |
This week, I changed food groups as I was announced over the pulpit as Sister Almond for the opening prayer! haha. I may have made an unusual face since it definitely surprised me! But it made my day! haha!
an owl at our apt |
Also, this week, Sister Warren and I gained a testimony of Hymns. We were tracting Saturday afternoon. As we worked our way down the street, a vicious, big dog was chained to the front porch of one of the house down the way. Every time we started to walk from a house, he barked and barked at us. However, we knew it was Satan trying to keep us from the elect! So, as we began to head to this house, we quietly sang, "The Spirit of God." This time, the dog didn't bark. It just looked at us as we slowly walked to the house. We made it safe to the door and was able to speak with the family and then sing our way back to the street in safety! Miracles happen and it was cool to see how animals can feel and recognize the spirit. :)
One lady we are teaching right now is Miss Sally. She is a sweet older lady, in her 70s-80s and is originally from England. She has the cutest little accent and personality. She is very in tune with the spirit and believes in the message we share. The hardest thing that will be for her is church attendance. With her age, it will be hard to be able to make it out of the house. But we love working with her and hope she'll be able to make it to keep studying with us and be able to make it to church!

This week, we had our Mission Leadership Council and we did a training in return to our zone. We worked with the Zone Leaders to do a good training and the whole thing turned out Excellent! We focused a lot on obedience in the mission and we had everyone modge podge a card with their personal commitment on it. Everyone was on board and left uplifted and from what we heard, it went really well! What a blessing!
Lastly, yesterday, we found our GHETTO!! I love going and talking to all the people in these areas. They are just really good, humble black people. Those are the people I just naturally love. It's like they are born with a love of God which is so cool and I love being around that! While we walked around and spoke with people, there was a car that passed with a big family that waved at us. I dared Sister Warren to contact them through the window, but I said it to late. Drats! Then the car pulled in, just two houses over from us. oOoOo! That's convenient! So, we headed their way. We went to talk to them and they hoped we would come over. They had a tragic accident happen to them the night before.
They went to the club Saturday night for the first time. While they were there, there was a shooting! The guy who had the gun was right by them. We know one girl at least died and many were injured. People were trampled as they tried to squeeze out of the only little exit. The mom and the daughters got out safe, but one of the daughters got her arm dislocated in the process and their purse, phones and one of the shoes were lost. They were grateful to make it out alive.
The whole family was distraught by it, which I don't blame them. We comforted them, shared some scriptures and prayed with them. We have an appt to go back. I don't know how fast this family will progress in the gospel, but I know that they really need the gospel at this time. We are grateful we got to run into them yesterday.
Miracles are happening everyday in Columbus! I am so grateful to be serving here! Hope y'all had a week of miracles and will have good things happen this week! Take care!
Sister Salmond
Pi Day! 3-14-15 :) With some GF Pear/Apple pie! |