So, this week we had our mission leadership meeting with our mission president. One of the many things he trained on was being smart drivers cuz there's been a lot of accident lately, specially with parked vehicles. Little did I know what this training/announcement was foreshadowing... When Sister Zackrison and I cam out of the meeting, we found President's car parked right next to ours, KISSING the other vehicle!!! See????
As we were taking pictures, we heard his car beep and the lights flash. They were heading out! Eek! We quickly hid our cameras and acted like nothing. We don't think he even noticed he was touching the other car! We didn't point it out or anything because we didn't want to tease or embarrass him after that last training. But, I can definitely say, it made my day!

Then, just the other day, we were at an appointment. We were finishing up the lesson and about to close with a prayer, when there was a knock on the door. The neighbor had backed into our car! Of course, I was the driver that day. Just my luck. haha. I was parked on the street where the lady had asked me to park. I was partially on the road, partially the lawn (that is very typical out here in Alabama.) The guy had parked on his lawn at a crooked angle. When he backed out, he got our rear light. It wasn't too bad... Just ironic since President JUST talked about this. It totally wasn't my fault though. The officer had our back. :) I never knew, that small MLC training would lead to a series of unfortunate events. haha.
On a positive note, I got a surprise package in the mail! What? For me? I never get mail, so this was a pleasant surprise. I opened it to find.... Drum roll please....
OREOS!!! Not just Oreos, but 6 boxes of them! Gluten Free and all! Was it a Dream?! No! It was for reals! Next thing I knew, Six Weeks to Sexy was out the window and I was down a box of Oreos. haha. I didn't know how many calories I intook. I didn't want to know. However, I do know that miracles happen when you serve the Lord. (Thank you mom and anyone else who had their hand in this! haha)
Also, we had a blitz in Albertville this week. When we got there, we found out that Sister Banks' hair had been thrashed by a member. They gave her a hair cut and everything was uneven. There were holes everywhere and it was shorter than she wanted! Poor girl! Luckily, I had my hair cutting scissors on me and touched up the job. It wasn't perfect, since it was kind of hard to cover some of it up, but was MUCH better! She was so relieved that she could at least wear it down again. It's amazing how the few tips my mom has taught me has really come in handy on the mission. I would've never guessed.
Bessemer! Sweet White Family, once again. :)
A Huge Miracle this week was after MLC. :) Since it takes place in Birmingham, I had gotten permission to go down to Bessemer again to visit a few people! I got to see Sister Kilgore, the Whites, and dear Alisa and her kids. Oh what a miracle that was for me! The joy it was to see them again after this very long year! The main highlights were seeing Sister White's face and screams when she saw me. :) I didn't tell her I was coming and just showed up. She kept screaming, "My Baby! My Baby! Ahhhh! My Baby!" I was so cute, fun and sweet! Besides seeing a few of my favorite people, I got to take a second with Alisa and her kids. Wow. The love I feel for them! I was so good just to see them, be near them, and feel of their love again. The kids are so amazing and has such amazing potential! They sang "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" for me. Alisa is being such a strong influence for them. William is hoping to be baptized soon and Alisa is still making progress and taking steps that will lead her to the Temple. What an amazing blessing that will be for her! You better believe I wouldn't miss that for the world! I look forward to that experience. :) Bessemer still has a big part of me. It's amazing how these places steal your heart.
I am seeing this take place right now in Madison. My heart is started to become sold. I get so attached to areas and people that it's hard to get ripped away. I love being here in Madison. It's been a huge blessing and there are so many people I hold dear to me. Marcia is doing great and still progressing. She was invited by a member to go to their FHE tonight, which I thought was so great! She is really growing and becoming a greater Daughter of God in the process. It's been great to watch her grow in the time I've known her. Also, Brianna I mentioned a while back. It was a huge miracle knocking on her door when we had limited time before our next appointment. Brianna is really hungry to learn and we are really working with her. She is so sweet. Things seem to go wrong a lot, so she can be hard to catch, but we feel her spirit and recognize the miracle she was and is. This last visit she asked us, "I know it's always crazy and we are really hard to get a hold of, but please don't give up on this family. We need y'all." Brianna is so sweet and sincerely, there is no way we could give up on them. We love her and her family. They have been a miracle to us.
Life is great! I love being a missionary! There are so many things to be grateful for. I love doing this work and being a missionary out here in Alabama. I never want it to end. I love all of y'all and keep you in my prayers. Have a fantastic week and stay safe!
Love y'all Lots!
Sister Salmond