Before I get started in my happy, miracle-filled week, I want to take a moment to address a hard moment for my family and I this week: our elderly dog of 16 years, Sophie, died on Christmas Day. The family discovered her after my skype call to them. We all knew her time was short and death was imminent, but we didn't expect her to die the way she did. The way she was found broke our hearts and could've been potentially avoided, but I know this happened for a reason. Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin validates this by saying, "You may feel singled out when adversity enters your life. You shake your head and wonder, 'Why me?' But the dial on the wheel of sorrow eventually points to each of us. At one time or another, everyone must experience sorrow. No one is exempt." He then goes on to say, "Learning to endure times of disappointment, suffering, and sorrow is part of our on-the-job training. These experiences, while often difficult to bear at the time, are precisely the kinds of experiences that stretch our understanding, build our character, and our compassion for others. Because Jesus Christ suffered greatly, He understands our suffering. He understands our grief. We experience hard things so that we too may have increased compassion and understanding for others." This is a growing time for each of us. This trial will increase our understanding and compassion for others. Dad and Jeffrey: what you two did for Sophie and the family makes me think of what the handcart companies did and had to go through. As I read Mom's letter describing the experience, the scripture, 1 Peter 4:8 came to mind: "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover a multitude of sins." I know the service you two did that day is one of these acts of charity described in this verse. And to everyone else in the family: if this burden is still weighing and you have yet to see the growth, compassion and understanding you will receive from this trial, as Wirthlin promised, turn to the one who does understand: our Savior. I promise that through Him our burdens can be made light (Matt 11: 28-30). I love you all!
Now, on to the newsletter! This week has been overall a very high week, so sorry for the personality change, but I rather get the sorrowful stuff over-with first and end on a good note. So here we go!
Wow! This week has flown by! There has been so much joy! Maybe it's from all the turkey and leftovers in the fridge, but I'd like to think otherwise. ;)
Merry Christmas! |
On Christmas Eve, we got to play Santa. :) We brought Alisa the gifts that had been donated by people, who would like to stay anonymous. The kids had barely crawled in bed when we arrived, so we tried to be as quiet as possible as we dropped off the gifts. Alisa was delighted, but had no clue what was coming!
Christmas Eve after setting
up at Alisa's (sorry it's dark) |
The next morning was Christmas! We arrived at Alisa's at the designated time of 7 am! But, when we arrived, the kids had already started opening the gifts. She chuckled as she told us she couldn't hold them down any more. Never to fear, the Lord was looking out for us because it just happens that they didn't touch the big gifts we really wanted to see them open! When they arrived, they started opening one X-box game after another. The suspense grew. Alisa caught on as she instructed them to run and grab the box shaped like it could potentially be an X-box from under the tree. She was right! Cheers of excitement came from all the boys. They clung to it and didn't want to let go! They then went on to the next, biggest box of all. IT WAS A FLAT SCREEN TV! Everyone screamed, clapped, and jumped for joy! It was the most incredible reaction ever! Not everyone gets to witness a Christmas like this one. But this wasn't the end. As they started to settle down, but still overcome with excitement, Alisa finally grabbed her stocking. She opened up the card with $200 inside. Silence and shock showed across her face! The kids caught on and ran up to her to see what it was. Yells of "It's two Ben Franks!" echoed, along with, "Yes!" This is just what Alisa needed, money to put towards her bills. This was a huge miracle for her. It was beautiful being able to watch these miracles unwrap for this family, but for me, the biggest miracle of all, was to see their great understanding of God as the orchestrator of all these blessings, their enormous gratitude, and their understanding that after all of that, the presents mean nothing without your family. I have never heard such a grateful family in my entire life, especially with as young as they are.
After Christmas with Alisa, we were able to have breakfast at Sister Ali's and skype our families! That was such an amazing highlight to my day and entire week! Of course, I cried when I first said hello to everyone and then again when it was time to say goodbye. Now on the mission, I have become so much more emotional when it comes to family. Don't ask me why. But seriously, every letter becomes gold and p-day is always a day to look forward to. Tip: Keep your friends close and your family closer. You'll never regret it.
The Christmas Feast |
Christmas Evening finally came along and we had the opportunity to spend it at our Bishop's house! They prepared a feast for us of Turkey and Ham and then everyone else's food on one counter and my special needs food on the other. haha. I am such a freak! But I am so grateful for everyone being so sweet and good to me with my difficult diet. I know it's not the easiest to prepare a meal with all my allergies. Yet, she did amazing! (and I got to make our Christmas Salsa! They loved it and has already made it for their family parties!) Our evening ending with watching "Ephraim's Rescue," which as a really good movie, and opening up the gifts from my family!
After the Christmas Feast |
Full of Christmas Feast |
Can I tell you, never before have the simplest things brought me so much joy! I LOVE MY NEW PJ'S! I don't know how you knew I needed those! I've been living off of two pairs of pj's: my winter flannel set (which is often too hot) and then my muumuu. I so needed another pair! And they match and are adorable. :) Also, I have loved the earrings. Already have worn two of the pairs and am currently wearing one right now. And I have loved and appreciated everything you have all sent me! Thank you! Wish I could list it all! (This includes packages I got from everyone during Christmas time!)
My new PJ'S! |
Starting Thursday, a miracle happened. Meagan and Michael's wedding was set up in 2 days! And it looked great! It was all because of the wonderful members. We couldn't have done it without them. They had a beautiful wedding with the Bishop performing the ceremony, and Sister Senior and I were bridesmaids! How fun is that?! Everything worked out great though. It was so evident how much they love each other and how much they love their son, Brody. The next day, this beautiful couple entered the waters of baptism together and left for their honeymoon today. :)

Saturday was also the day of 1. Taylor and Richard's Wedding! Congrats! and 2. Alisa, Roscoe, and Camron's baptism as well. This family is so incredible. As the two boys were baptized, it was wonderful to stand with Alisa on the other side of the font. She covered her mouth tearing up and told us that she was so proud of them. She then went last as her two watched her smiling, soaked, and shivering. The baptism ended with a musical number from Roscoe and Camron singing "I'm a Child of God." They did a beautiful job and so many people were impressed with them.
And so the week ends with a Beautiful Christmas, Wedding, and 5 Baptisms. I am so blessed to have this week and to move forward helping these Children of God to continually learn and strive so that they can make it to the Temple. That is our goal with both of these families. I know they will be able to make it there. I have seen their growth and I know their desires and I know that through God, this is very possible.
One last thing, before I go, coming up in just a day or two is the New Year! I want to challenge all of you to try to have something you can work on this coming year. In my readings, I was reading Matt 6 right before the Lord's prayer. In verse 7 it read, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions..." I thought, it's so clear right before the Lord's prayer that we not repeat prayers, so why is this prayer repeated so often in other religions? This then challenged me to think deeper. In verse 9 it then stated, "After this manner..." This was then clear to me that the Lord was giving us steps or processes in which to use in our prayer, not to repeat it! So step 1. Do personal asking, not repetition. Then I went on to read the Lord's prayer in verse 9. "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." 2. Praise the Father or in other words, thank Him "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." 3. Align our will with the Father's "Give us this day our daily bread." Who is the bread of life? Jesus Christ 4. Ask for us to have the spirit of Christ in our lives that day and/or help us better spiritual learn/feast on the words of Christ "And forgive us our debts," 5. Repent of any sins we need to that day "as we forgive our debtors." 6. Help us to forgive the person who may have done us wrong. "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:" 7. Ask for strength to withstand temptation "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." 8. Be humble and recognize that God is all. I encourage all of you as we start of this new year to analyze your prayers in this light. I challenge all of you to join me and choose one thing you can do to improve your prayers this year to be more like the Savior's.
I love you all and I know the church is true with all my heart and Happy New Year!
Sister Heather Salmond
The epitome of the south! |